Thursday 20 November 2014

Types of Physical Network Topologies Advantages & Disadvantages

What is Bus topology?

Bus Topology is that the simplest of network topologies. during this style of topology, all the nodes (computers moreover as servers) ar connected to the only cable (called bus), by the assistance of interface connectors. This central cable is that the backbone of the network and is understood as Bus (thus the name). each digital computer communicates with the opposite device through this Bus.A signal from the supply is broadcasted and it travels to all or any workstations connected to bus cable. though the message is broadcasted however solely the supposed recipient, whose mackintosh address or information science address matches, accepts it. If the mackintosh /IP address of machine doesn’t match with the supposed address, machine discards the signal.A slayer is supplementary at ends of the central cable, to stop bouncing of signals. A barrel instrumentation will be wont to extend it. Below I actually have given a basic diagram of a network topology then have mentioned blessings and drawbacks of Bus configuration.
Advantages of network topology

•    Easy to put in and assemble
•    Inexpensive
•    Easily extended
Disadvantages of network topology

•    Performance decreases
•    Weak signals
•    Difficult troubleshooting
What is Star topology?

      In network topology, all the parts of network square measure connected to the central device referred to as “hub” which can be a hub, a router or a switch. not like topology (discussed earlier), wherever nodes were connected to central cable, here all the workstations square measure connected to central device with a point-to-point affiliation. thus it is aforementioned that each pc is indirectly connected to each different node by the assistance of “hub”.All the info on the network topology passes through the central device before reaching the meant destination. Hub acts as a junction to attach totally different nodes gift in Star Network, and at identical time it manages and controls whole of the network. reckoning on that central device is employed, “hub” will act as repeater or signal booster. Central device may also communicate with different hubs of various network. unprotected Twisted try (UTP) coax is employed to attach workstations to central node.

Advantages of  Star network topology
  • As compared to topology it offers so much far better performance, signals don’t essentially get          transmitted  to any or all the workstations. A sent signal reaches the meant destination once passing through no quite 3-4 devices and 2-3 links. Performance of the network depends on the capability of central hub.
  • straightforward to attach new nodes or devices. In network topology new nodes is additional simply while not touching remainder of the network. equally parts may also be removed simply.
  •  Centralized management. It helps in watching the network.
  •  Failure of 1 node or link doesn’t have an effect on the remainder of network. At identical time its straightforward to notice the failure and troubleshoot it.
Disadvantages of Star network topology
  • Too a lot of dependency on central device has its own drawbacks.
  •  If it fails whole network goes down.
  •  The use of hub, a router or a switch as central device will increase the general value of the network.
  •  Performance and moreover range of nodes which might be additional in such topology is relied on capability of central device. 
 What is Ring Topology?

 In Ring Topology, all the nodes area unit connected to each-other in such some way that they create a closed-loop system. every digital computer is connected to 2 different parts on either facet, and it communicates with these 2 adjacent neighbors. information travels round the network, in one direction. causation and receiving of knowledge takes place by the assistance of TOKEN. Token Passing (in brief) : Token contains a bit {of information|of information|of knowledge} that at the side of data is distributed by the supply pc. This token then passes to next node, that checks if the signal is meant to that. If yes, it receives it and passes the empty to into the network, otherwise passes token at the side of the info to next node. This method continues till the signal reaches its supposed destination. The nodes with token area unit those solely allowed to send information. different nodes got to sit up for Associate in Nursing empty token to achieve them. This network is typically found in offices, faculties and tiny buildings.

Advantages of Ring Topology

•    when the load on the network will increase, its performance is best than that of network topology.
•    There is not any would like for network server to regulate the property between workstations.
•    Additional parts don't have an effect on the performance of network.
•    Each pc has equal access to resource.
•    Token ring technology reduces the necessity of server or central hub to manage the workstations.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology

•    If one node is discontinuous  then the total network goes down.
•    Only one machine will transmit on the network at a time.
•    The failure of 1 machine can cause the complete network to fail.

 What is Mesh Topology?

In a mesh topology, every of the network node, laptop and alternative devices, ar interconnected with each other. each node not solely sends its own signals however conjointly relays knowledge from alternative nodes. if truth be told a real network topology is that the one wherever each node is connected to each alternative node within the network. this sort of topology is extremely high-ticket as there ar several redundant connections, therefore it's not largely employed in laptop networks. it's usually employed in wireless networks. Flooding or routing technique is employed in network topology.
Types of Mesh Network topologies:-

1)Full Mesh Topology:-

mesh topology diagram, image of network topology, network topology wiki,partial network topology
Mesh Topology Diagram
In this, sort of a true mesh, every part is connected to each alternative part. Even when considering the redundancy issue and value of this network, its main advantage is that the network traffic is redirected to alternative nodes if one among the nodes goes down. Full network topology is employed just for backbone networks.

2) Partial Mesh Topology:-

This is way more sensible as compared to full network topology. Here, a number of the systems ar connected in similar fashion as in network topology whereas rests of the systems ar solely connected to one or a pair of devices. It is aforementioned that in partial mesh, the workstations ar ‘indirectly’ connected to alternative devices. This one is a smaller amount pricey and conjointly reduces redundancy.

Advantages of network topology

•    Eliminates traffic issues in links sharing.
•    If one link becomes unusable, it doesn't incapacitate the complete system. Thus, act as strong.
•    It has privacy and security.
•    Point-to-point link build fault identification and fault isolation simple.

Disadvantages of network topology

•    Difficult to put in and maintain.
•    Expenisve.
What is Tree Topology?

Tree Topology integrates the characteristics of Star and topology. Earlier we have a tendency to saw however in Physical Star constellation, computers (nodes) area unit connected by one another through central hub. and that we conjointly saw in topology, work station devices area unit connected by the common cable referred to as Bus. once understanding these 2 network configurations, we are able to perceive tree topology higher. In Tree Topology, the amount of Star networks area unit connected mistreatment Bus. This main cable appears like a main stem of a tree, and alternative star networks because the branches. it's conjointly referred to as enlarged star. LAN protocol is usually utilized in this kind of topology. The diagram below can create it clear.

What is Hybrid Topology ?

Before beginning regarding Hybrid topology, we have a tendency to saw that a constellation may be a association of varied links and nodes, communication with one another for transfer of information. we have a tendency to conjointly saw numerous benefits and drawbacks of Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh and Tree topologies. currently lets discuss what Hybrid constellation is and why it finds its application in Wide space Networks. Hybrid, because the name suggests, is mixture of 2 various things. equally during this form of topology we have a tendency to integrate 2 or a lot of completely different topologies to create a resultant topology that has smart points(as well as weaknesses) of all the constituent basic topologies instead of having characteristics of 1 specific topology. this mixture of topologies is completed per the necessities of the organization. as an example, if there exists a hoop topology in one workplace department whereas a topology in another department, connecting these 2 can lead to Hybrid topology. keep in mind connecting 2 similar topologies can't be termed as Hybrid topology. Star-Ring and Star-Bus networks area unit most typical samples of hybrid network.

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